Wednesday, September 24, 2014

25 September

Mission 1
  • Daily Grammar Practice
Mission 2
  • Review paragraph 1 rewrites.
Mission 3
Mission 4
  • Free writing: Think of a time when media use was a negative for you or someone you know. Who was involved? What happened with the media use that was bad? Take 15 minutes to free write.
    • Free write means that grammar and spelling do not count. Just get the ideas from your head to the paper.
Mission 5
  • Complete the after reading discussion activities for Persuasion Chapter 3 (Slides 13-14).
  • Complete the before reading discussion activity for Persuasion Chapter 5, Part 1 (Slide 15). 
  • Read Persuasion Chapter 4, Part 1.
  • Complete the Chapter 4, Part 1 comprehension questions.
  • We will have a test on Chapter 4, Part 1 tomorrow.

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