Monday, September 15, 2014

16 September

Main Idea, Mapping, and Novel

Mission 1
  • Read Academic Listening Encounters (Kanaoka, green book) pp. 2-3.
  • Complete Reading and Thinking About the Topic steps 1-3.
  • HOMEWORK: Complete Listening to Directions steps 1-2.
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Mapping Lesson - Continued
      • Read "Effects of Coffee," CB p. 36.
      • Identify the main idea of each paragraph.
      • Ms. Bruce will demonstrate how to use these main ideas to take notes using mapping.
      • Read "Neighborhoods in New York," CB p. 38.
      • Identify the main idea of each paragraph.
      • We will complete the map together.
Mission 4
Mission 5 - HOMEWORK: Complete any parts not completed in class. Practice 1 MUST be done by 11:59pm today.
  • Read Langan (red book) pp. 205-206.
  • Complete Practice 1 and Practice 2, Langan pp. 208-209.

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