Tuesday, September 16, 2014

17 September

Consider it pure joy... whenever you face trials of many kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
~James 1:2-3

Mission 1
  • Review mapping homework.
  • We will have a mini-mapping test tomorrow.
Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4 - HOMEWORK
  • Complete the "Before the Interviews" section of "American Voices" in Kanaoka (green book), p. 4.
  • Complete steps 1 and 3 on p. 5 with a partner.
  • HOMEWORK - Complete steps 1-3 on p. 6.

The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

article (the, an, a, this, that, these, those)
preposition - REMEMBER a preposition is anything that can be done to a cloud

MAPPING (Thank you, Fajer, for taking these).

Map for "The Effects of Coffee" by Richard Widmark, CB p. 36
Map for "Neighborhoods in New York" by Joseph Cotten, CB p. 38

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