Tuesday, September 30, 2014

1 October

Make sure you come to class tomorrow! We will have a quiz on Mode!!

Mission 1
Mission 2
  • Listening Exercise 5
    • Listen to the lecture.
    • Create a map of the lecture.
    • Answer the questions here.
Mission 3
Mission 4
  • Spelling Inventory
Mission 5
Mission 6
  • Mini-lesson on Introductory Essay 1 Paragraph
  • HOMEWORK: Rewrite Essay 1 Paragraph 1
TOMORROW we will have a modes of discourse quiz. This will be in two parts: listening and reading. It is worth 200 points. If you are not here, you will LOSE 200 points! Please make sure you come to class tomorrow.

Monday, September 29, 2014

30 September

Open Wi-Fi (ONLY if Students is not working right):
Password: 57JF28BT
Samsung AP-24C9
Password: 60316817
Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Complete the Persuasion Chapter 4, Part 2 after reading activities (Slide 16).
Mission 4
  • Listening Exercise 4
    • Listen to the lecture.
    • Create a map of the lecture.
    • Answer the questions here.
Mission 5
  • Revisiting Kanaoka (green book)
    • Review the "Before the Interviews" section of "American Voices" in Kanaoka (green book), p. 4.
    • Review steps 1 and 3 on p. 5 with a partner.
    • HOMEWORK: Complete steps 1-3 on p. 6 (audio file here).

Sunday, September 28, 2014

29 September

Open Wi-Fi (ONLY if Students is not working right):
Password: 57JF28BT
Samsung AP-24C9
Password: 60316817
Mission 1
Mission 2

Mission 3
Mission 4
  • From 9-10, we will be in the computer lab, room N2-102 to complete our Formatting Quizzes.
  • When you are done with your quiz, you may silently leave the computer lab and go on break.
Session 2 of class will being promptly at 10:30am!

Mission 5
Mission 6
  • My apologies for the fact that you were not able to complete your Kanaoka (green book) listening exercises. We will revisit the three assignments that you've already started during this week.
    • Review Academic Listening Encounters (Kanaoka, green book) pp. 2-3.
    • Review Reading and Thinking About the Topic steps 1-3.
    • HOMEWORK: Complete Listening to Directions steps 1-2 (audio file here).

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

25 September

Mission 1
  • Daily Grammar Practice
Mission 2
  • Review paragraph 1 rewrites.
Mission 3
Mission 4
  • Free writing: Think of a time when media use was a negative for you or someone you know. Who was involved? What happened with the media use that was bad? Take 15 minutes to free write.
    • Free write means that grammar and spelling do not count. Just get the ideas from your head to the paper.
Mission 5
  • Complete the after reading discussion activities for Persuasion Chapter 3 (Slides 13-14).
  • Complete the before reading discussion activity for Persuasion Chapter 5, Part 1 (Slide 15). 
  • Read Persuasion Chapter 4, Part 1.
  • Complete the Chapter 4, Part 1 comprehension questions.
  • We will have a test on Chapter 4, Part 1 tomorrow.

23 September

Mission 1
Mission 2
  • Modes of Discourse Graphic Organizer pop quiz.
Mission 3

  • Formatting Lesson:
    • Refer to CB pp. 179-190 for how to format your papers using APA style. ALL papers in GUST need to be written using APA format.
    • You will have a formatting quiz on Monday.
Mission 4 - HOMEWORK
  • Read CB p. 124 and circle any words you do not understand.
  • Review the Personal Essay 1 rubric on CB p. 122. Notice all of the things you need to include in your introduction.
  • Complete the organizer on CB p. 132 using the map from "If Your Kids Are Awake, They're Probably Online."
  • HOMEWORK: Use that completed organizer (p. 132) to write an introduction paragraph. Make sure you include all of the information from the organizer. Use APA formatting! Submit your paragraph to me by 11:59pm at bruce.p@gust.edu.kw.
    • NOTE: It is best to use Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
      • If you use word, send the paragraph to me as an attachment.
      • If you use Docs, share the paragraph with me by clicking on the blue "Share" button at the top right of the webpage.

Mission 4 - POSTPONED
  • Listening Exercise 1
    • Listen to the Lecture.
    • Create a map of the lecture.
    • Answer these questions about the lecture.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

24 September

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Evaluation of introductory paragraphs for Essay 1 (audio file).
  • HOMEWORK: Rewrite (for those three who actually did last night's homework) or write your introduction and submit it to me at bruce.p@gust.edu.kw by 11:59pm tonight.
    • NOTE: It is best to use Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
      • If you use word, send the paragraph to me as an attachment.
      • If you use Docs, share the paragraph with me by clicking on the blue "Share" button at the top right of the webpage.
Mission 4 - POSTPONED 
  • Complete the after reading discussion activities for Persuasion Chapter 3 (Slides 13-14).
  • Complete the before reading discussion activity for Persuasion Chapter 5, Part 1 (Slide 15). 
  • Read Persuasion Chapter 4, Part 1.
  • Complete the Chapter 4, Part 1 comprehension questions.
  • We will have a test on Chapter 4, Part 1 tomorrow.
Mission 5 - POSTPONED
  • Free writing: Think of a time when media use was a negative for you or someone you know. Who was involved? What happened with the media use that was bad? Take 15 minutes to free write.
    • Free write means that grammar and spelling do not count. Just get the ideas from your head to the paper.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

21 September

Welcome to Week 3!

REMINDER: Because of the general assembly tomorrow, we will not meet. YOU WILL have lab from 12-1pm with Luolwah.

Open Wi-Fi (ONLY if Students is not working right):
Password: 57JF28BT
Samsung AP-24C9
Password: 60316817

Mission 1
Mission 2
  • Complete the after reading activities (Slide 10).
  • Complete the before reading activities (Slide 11).
Mission 3
Mission 4
  • Read Langan (red book) pp. 209-210.
  • Complete Practice 3 and Practice 4, Langan pp. 211-212.
  • Read Langan pp. 212-213.
Mission 5
      • What are Modes of Discourse?
        • General Mode
          • Time Order
          • Addition Order
        • Specific Mode
          • Narration
          • Process
          • Description
          • Comparison
          • Contrast
          • Comparison/Contrast
          • Classification
          • Cause
          • Effect
          • Cause and Effect
          • Definition/Example
          • Enumeration
      • What is the general mode?
      • Look at the article on CB p. 36. What is its general mode? How do you know?
      • Look at the article on CB p. 38. What is its general mode? How do you know?
      • Look at the article "If Your Kids Are Awake..." What is the general mode? How do you know?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

18 September

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4
Mission 5 - HOMEWORK
Mission 6 - HOMEWORK
  • Complete the "Before the Interviews" section of "American Voices" in Kanaoka (green book), p. 4.
  • Complete steps 1 and 3 on p. 5 with a partner.
  • HOMEWORK - Complete steps 1-3 on p. 6.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

17 September

Consider it pure joy... whenever you face trials of many kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
~James 1:2-3

Mission 1
  • Review mapping homework.
  • We will have a mini-mapping test tomorrow.
Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4 - HOMEWORK
  • Complete the "Before the Interviews" section of "American Voices" in Kanaoka (green book), p. 4.
  • Complete steps 1 and 3 on p. 5 with a partner.
  • HOMEWORK - Complete steps 1-3 on p. 6.

The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

article (the, an, a, this, that, these, those)
preposition - REMEMBER a preposition is anything that can be done to a cloud

MAPPING (Thank you, Fajer, for taking these).

Map for "The Effects of Coffee" by Richard Widmark, CB p. 36
Map for "Neighborhoods in New York" by Joseph Cotten, CB p. 38

Monday, September 15, 2014

16 September

Main Idea, Mapping, and Novel

Mission 1
  • Read Academic Listening Encounters (Kanaoka, green book) pp. 2-3.
  • Complete Reading and Thinking About the Topic steps 1-3.
  • HOMEWORK: Complete Listening to Directions steps 1-2.
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Mapping Lesson - Continued
      • Read "Effects of Coffee," CB p. 36.
      • Identify the main idea of each paragraph.
      • Ms. Bruce will demonstrate how to use these main ideas to take notes using mapping.
      • Read "Neighborhoods in New York," CB p. 38.
      • Identify the main idea of each paragraph.
      • We will complete the map together.
Mission 4
Mission 5 - HOMEWORK: Complete any parts not completed in class. Practice 1 MUST be done by 11:59pm today.
  • Read Langan (red book) pp. 205-206.
  • Complete Practice 1 and Practice 2, Langan pp. 208-209.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

15 September

More Main Idea

Mission 1
  • Read Langan (red book) pp. 115-116.
  • Complete Practice 3, Langan pp. 116-117.
  • Complete Practice 4.
Mission 2 - The Most Extraordinary Thing
  • Write a paragraph about the most extraordinary thing you did over the summer.
  • Pair/Share
Mission 3 - POSTPONED
  • Mapping Lesson - COMPLETED
    • Read CB p. 32 and CIRCLE any words you do not understand.
    • Complete vocabulary CB pp. 33-34 as a class*
      *as necessary
      • Read "Effects of Coffee," CB p. 36.
      • Identify the main idea of each paragraph.
      • Ms. Bruce will demonstrate how to use these main ideas to take notes using mapping.
      • Read "Neighborhoods in New York," CB p. 38.
      • Identify the main idea of each paragraph.
      • We will complete the map together.
Mission 3 - HOMEWORK
  • Go to the GUST bookstore and purchase a copy of Persuasion by Jane Austen. It is published by Penguin Reader.
Mission 4 - HOMEWORK
Mission 5 - POSTPONED
  • Read Academic Listening Encounters (Kanaoka, green book) pp. 2-3.
  • Complete Reading and Thinking About the Topic steps 1-3.
  • HOMEWORK: Complete Listening to Directions steps 1-2.

Using Google Docs
**If you DO NOT have Microsoft Office (Word) on your computer, you may use Google Docs instead. Simply create a gmail account.
  1. Go to mail.google.com
  2. Click on create new account
  3. Follow the steps
Once you have a gmail account, you can go to drive.google.com and sign in using your gmail information. Click “New” to create new folders*, new docs, new presentations, and new sheets (just like Microsoft Excel).
* I recommend creating a folder for 097C
Hello! Welcome to EFU 097!

LAB WILL MEET IN OUR CLASSROOM, but there will be no lab today.

Our novel this term is Persuasion by Jane Austen.

Other books you need: Groundwork for College Reading by John Langan, Clear Thinking and Writing by John Langan, Academic Listening Encounters by Yoneko Kanaoka, 097C Coursebook.

Mission 1 - HOMEWORK

Mission 2
  • Complete the student contract. There are TWO copies. One was given to you just now. The other can be found on Moodle.
    • Complete the "Foundations Program Contract" on Moodle.
      • Getting to Moodle
        • Go to the GUST portal.
        • Click on "My Courses."
        • Click on ENGL097.
Mission 3
  • Turn to page 9 in your CB. Complete the information at the top of the page:
    • Course Number and Section: ENGL097
    • Instructor: Ms. Bruce
    • Office: W1-264
    • Telephone: 7460
    • Email: bruce.p@gust.edu.kw
    • Office Hours: TBD
Mission 4
  • Read the information on pages 9-10 in the CB. CIRCLE any word(s) you do not understand.
Mission 5 - HOMEWORK - complete form on Electronic Signature Slide
Mission 6
  • Turn to page 12 in the CB. On the spaces provided, record the names and mobile numbers of the two people sitting beside you. These will be the people you can contact for information on any assignments and homework for ENGL 097.
Mission 7
Mission 8
Mission 9 - HOMEWORK: Yes, I know we did them in class, but please put answers for Practice 1 and 2 online.
  • Read Langan (red book) pp. 109-112.
  • Complete Practice 1, Practice 2.
  • NOTE: If you are asked what the main idea sentence is, and then why you think that is the main idea sentence, DO NOT USE the phrase "the whole paragraph is about ____." You WILL be marked wrong. Instead, say, "the rest of the paragraph is about ____."