Monday, December 15, 2014


Bonus (worth 60 points in your choice of Classwork or Quizzes):
Submit your answers to me in a shared Doc (Google).
    1. Research Project Gutenberg.
      1. How did they get started?
      2. What is their mission?
      3. How does it work?
      4. Why is it called Project Gutenberg?
      5. What are five titles other than The Wonderful Wizard of Oz that you can get through Project Gutenberg?
    2. Research Technicolor.
      1. What is it?
      2. How does it work?
      3. When was it first used?
      4. Is it still used today?
      5. How is Technicolor related to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?
    3. Research Gregory Maguire.
      1. Who is he?
      2. What does he have to do with The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?
      3. How is he connected to Broadway and the West End theatrical communities?
      4. What are the songs (all of them) that are a part of this connection?
      5. What awards (specifically) have been earned by the Broadway and West End productions?

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