Tuesday, December 23, 2014

24 December

Good morning, and happy Christmas Eve!

Sadly, I have even less voice today than I did yesterday, so I will not be able to talk to you very well.

You have a packet to read and complete about the Hero's Journey and how "The Wizard 
of Oz" connects to it. Please complete the packet. When you are finished, you may leave.

I still have a TON of printing I have to do for the portfolios, so I will be in and out of the classroom today. I'm sorry about this.

If you have questions about office hours for Sunday or Monday, see the email I sent yesterday.

I brought in candy to share. Please only take 1 piece, as it is for your class AND the boys' class. IF you can't eats nuts, you should not take one, because they are made with peanut butter.

It has been wonderful to work with you this semester and I wish you all the best for next semester and your college career!

Thank you, ladies!

Monday, December 15, 2014


Bonus (worth 60 points in your choice of Classwork or Quizzes):
Submit your answers to me in a shared Doc (Google).
    1. Research Project Gutenberg.
      1. How did they get started?
      2. What is their mission?
      3. How does it work?
      4. Why is it called Project Gutenberg?
      5. What are five titles other than The Wonderful Wizard of Oz that you can get through Project Gutenberg?
    2. Research Technicolor.
      1. What is it?
      2. How does it work?
      3. When was it first used?
      4. Is it still used today?
      5. How is Technicolor related to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?
    3. Research Gregory Maguire.
      1. Who is he?
      2. What does he have to do with The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?
      3. How is he connected to Broadway and the West End theatrical communities?
      4. What are the songs (all of them) that are a part of this connection?
      5. What awards (specifically) have been earned by the Broadway and West End productions?

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

11 December

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul - and sings the tunes without the words - and never stops at all.
~ Emily Dickinson
Mission 1
  • Write a paragraph responding to the quote above. What does this mean to you? What is a thing with feathers? How is hope like a thing with feathers? Do you believe hope sings and never stops singing? Choose one example from your own experience that shows how hope has not stopped singing.
Mission 2

Mission 3
Mission 4
  • Reading Progress Test 1
Mission 5
  • Watch "The Wizard of Oz."

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

10 December

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.
~ Dr. Seuss
Mission 1
  • Write a paragraph responding to the quote above. What does this mean to you? In what ways have reading and learning helped you to know more and go places? Choose one example from your own experience that shows that reading and learning have given you more opportunities.
Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4
  • Complete "Oz the Great and Powerful."
Mission 5
Mission 7
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 8
  • Spelling

Monday, December 8, 2014

9 December

It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 4
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 5
  • Spelling
Mission 6
  • Practice Cornell Notes
Mission 8
  • Watch "Oz the Great and Powerful" and take notes for Essay 3.
    • Information on the movie can be found on the Internet Movie Database.
    • The notes sheet can be found here.
    • Essay 3
      • Paragraph 1 - same as Paragraph 1 from Essay 2 (sample essay on Course Book p. 368). Instructions on how to write this paragraph are on pages 332-339. SKIP the information on theme.
      • Paragraph 2 - same as Paragraph 2 from Essay 2 (sample essay on Course Book p. 368). Instructions on how to write this paragraph are on pages 334-359. Write about differences only (contrast).
      • Paragraph 3 - what is your opinion? Which of the two movies is best? Which of the two movies is most like the book? Why do you believe that movie is the best?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

7 December

If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, 
you'll never get it done.
~ Bruce Lee

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4

8 December

The dead might as well try to speak to the living as the old to the young.
~ Willa Cather

Mission 1
  • Write a paragraph responding to the quote above. What does this mean to you? Can the dead speak to the living? Can the old speak to the young? Why would Willa Cather say that the old trying to speak to the young is like the dead trying to speak to the living.
Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 5
  • Spelling
    • Dictation
    • Lesson
We will break at 9:00am for 30 minutes. After break, go to the library computer lab for your WritePlacer Exit Essay. We will start the essay at exactly 9:30. BE ON TIME!

Mission 6
  • WritePlacer
Once you have finished your essay AND CHECKED YOUR WORK for spelling, punctuation, subject-verb agreement, and capitalization, you may go on break. Remember that Lab with Luolwah starts at 12pm.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

4 December

Life is a song - sing it. 
Life is a game - play it. 
Life is a challenge - meet it. 
Life is a dream - realize it. 
Life is a sacrifice - offer it. 
Life is love - enjoy it.
~Sai Baba

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • 6+1 Writing
  • You will use the information on the form above to complete a Venn diagram here.
    1. Select 2-Circle
    2. Type your name and number where it says [type your name here].
    3. Give the diagram the title Comparing Two People where it says [Title/Notes].
    4. Rename [factor 1] as the name of your first person and [factor 2] as the name of your second person.
    5. Put the information about just the first person in the first person's circle (on the left).
    6. Put the information about just second in the second person's circle (on the right).
    7. Put the information about both the first and second people in the middle.
    8. Send this to me.
      1. click on the "Embed into blog/ webpage" button (it looks like a silver flower).
      2. On the next screen, you will have a URL that starts with http://. Copy the whole thing and send this to me as an email (bruce.p@gust.edu.kw).
Mission 4

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

3 December

~ Jeanne Moreau
Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • 6+1 Writing
  • You will use the information on the form above to complete a Venn diagram here.
    1. Select 2-Circle
    2. Type your name and number where it says [type your name here].
    3. Give the diagram the title Sydney and James where it says [Title/Notes].
    4. Rename [factor 1] as Sydney and [factor 2] as James.
    5. Put the information about just Sydney in the Sydney circle (on the left).
    6. Put the information about just James in the James circle (on the right).
    7. Put the information about both Sydney and James in the middle.
    8. Send this to me.
      1. click on the "Embed into blog/ webpage" button (it looks like a silver flower).
      2. On the next screen, you will have a URL that starts with http://. Copy the whole thing and send this to me as an email (bruce.p@gust.edu.kw).
Mission 4
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 5
  • Spelling
Mission 6
Mission 8
Mission 9
  • Answer the FPU reading test practice questions in your Course Book (pp. 464-465).
Mission 10

Monday, December 1, 2014

2 December

You are always a student, never a master. 
You have to keep moving forward.
~ Conrad Hall

Mission 1

Mission 2
Mission 3

Mission 4

Mission 5
Mission 6
Mission 7
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 8
  • Spelling Lesson
Mission 9

Sunday, November 30, 2014

1 December

Memory awakens hope.
~Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Seek That Which is Above, 1986

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 4
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 5
  • Spelling
Mission 6

Mission 7
Mission 8

Saturday, November 29, 2014

30 November

Mission 1

Mission 2
  • Read "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank R. Stockton, Langan pp. 395-397.
  • Answer the Vocabulary Questions, Langan pp. 398-399 in your book.
  • Answer the Reading Comprehension Questions, Langan pp. 400-402 in your book.
  • Complete the Summary, Langan pp. 402-403, Langan pp. 402-403 in your book.
  • Complete the writing tasks here.
Mission 3
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 4
  • Spelling
    • Dictation
    • Lesson

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

27 November

Happy Thanksgiving!
Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 4
  • Spelling Lesson
Mission 5
Mission 6
Mission 7
  • Practice Presentations
Mission 8
  • Revise your essay.
  • Make sure: 
    • ALL words are spelled correctly.
    • ONLY words that need to be capitalized are capitalized.
    • ALL verbs are in present tense.
    • ALL subjects and verbs agree with each other.
    • Make sure your WHOLE paper, including your header and heading (yes, you need these), is in Times New Roman 12pt font.
      • See our post from 18 November if you don't know how to make a header or heading and/or if you don't know how to change your font.
  • ALL ESSAYS will be graded based on what is completed by 11:59 p.m. today!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

26 November

Mission 1

Mission 2

Mission 3

  • Phonological Awareness

Mission 4

  • Spelling

Mission 5

Mission 6
Mission 7
  • Make a reference page for your essay.
    • This must include the book, the movie, the page for the theme you chose, and the imdb page for the cast and crew.
    • Here's how.

Monday, November 24, 2014

25 November

Mission 1

Mission 2

Mission 3

  • Phonological Awareness (yesterday & today)

Mission 4

  • Spelling Lesson (yesterday & today)

Mission 5

Mission 6

Mission 7
Mission 8
  • Revise your essay and/or your presentation.
  • Tomorrow, we will have practice presentations and we will create a reference page for our essays!
  • Presentations will be on Sunday at 8am!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

24 November

Mission 1
Mission 2
  • 6+1 Writing
    • Go to Moodle.
    • Click on "Courses."
    • Click on "ENGL09713."
    • Go down to the last assignment in "Classwork," which says 6+1 Writing November 24.
    • Complete the graphic organizer diagram.
      • Organization: Use a graphic organizer to group similar details and to plan the order of your sentences.
        Think of a problem in your school or community. How would you solve it? Use the problem-and-solution diagram here to organize your ideas. Send this completed diagram to bruce.p@gust.edu.kw as an attachment.
Mission 3
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 4
  • Spelling Lesson
Mission 5
Mission 6
Mission 7
Mission 8
  • Use your answers from the form yesterday (in your gmail) and this template to compose your presentation.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

23 November

Mission 1

Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 4
  • Spelling
    • Dictation
    • Lesson
Mission 5
  • Select a review of "Persuasion" from imdb.com.
    • Read the review.
    • Use this form to complete this mission.
    • Identify any unknown words and look them up.
    • Paraphrase the review - what is it saying?
  • Do you agree with the reviewer's opinion, or do you disagree?
  • Give three reasons why you agree or disagree.
Mission 5

Mission 6
  • Read "Rosa: A Success Story" by Edward Patrick in Langan pp. 385-388
  • Answer the questions here.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

20 November

Mission 1

Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4
Mission 5
  • Phonological Awareness - Counting Syllables
Mission 6
  • Spelling Lesson - Doubling Rule
Mission 7
  • Peer Evaluations
    • Review checklist for body paragraph
    • Access assigned classmates' essays (gmail)
    • Read assigned classmates' body paragraph
    • Score assigned classmates' body paragraph using the checklist. 
      • Explain why she got that score!
Mission 8
  • Review checklist for conclusion (Course Book p. 324)
    • What theme did you pick?
    • Do you have a story from your life or your observations that connects to this theme?
      • Write the story using the 5 Ws and the 5 senses.
      • Make sure you organize the story with a beginning, middle, and ending.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

19 November

Tomorrow after break, 
Dr. Ilene will be observing me teaching you. PLEASE do not use mobile phones, 
speak in Arabic, 
or visit web pages (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) 
that are not part of the class during the 
30-45 minutes that she will be here.
Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Phonological Awareness catch up
Mission 4
  • Spelling catch up
Mission 5
  • Review of the body paragraph check list (Course Book p. 324).
Mission 6
  • Review Comparison/Contrast paragraphs explanation (CB pp. 357-359
Mission 7 
Mission 6
  • Complete the Literary Analysis Common Elements: Comparison/Contrast Paragraph worksheet (CB pp. 354-355).
Mission 7
  • Complete the Literary Analysis Common Elements: Comparison/Contrast Paragraph worksheet (CB p. 356).

Monday, November 17, 2014

18 November

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Phonological Awareness (yesterday & today)
Mission 4
  • Spelling Lesson (yesterday & today)
Mission 5
  • Create a gmail account.
    • If you don't already have one, go here and follow the steps to make one.
      • Write it down and put it in your wallet.
      • Save it into the "notes" section on your phone.
Mission 6
  • Go to Google Drive.
    • Click "New."
      • Select "Folder"
      • Name this folder "ENGL09713."
    • Click on your ENGL09713 folder.
      • Click "New."
      • Select "Google Docs."
    • When the new doc pops up, click on "Untitled Document."
      • Name this doc "IDNumberENGL09713Essay2."
        • Example: 12345ENGL09713Essay2
      • Click "OK."
    • Click the blue "Share" button on the top right of the page.
      • Type my email - bruce.p@gust.edu.kw - and make sure "Can edit" is showing.
      • Click "Done."
Mission 7
  • Create your Header and Heading for your essay.
    • Click "Insert."
      • Click "Heading."
    • Right align by clicking the right align button.
    • Change your font to "Times New Roman" and 12
    • Type your student ID number. No zeroes. No name.
      • Example: 12345
    • Press the space bar.
    • Insert a page number.
      • Click "Insert."
      • Click "Page Number."
      • Click "Top of Page."
    • Click once under the grey line.
      • The grey line should disappear.
    • Change your font to "Times New Roman" and 12
      • Yes, you have to do this a second time.
    • Change your spacing to "Double."

    • Make sure you have left alignment.
    • Type your student ID number. No zeroes. No name.
      • Example: 12345
    • Click "Enter" or "Return" or "New Line" (or whatever else your keyboard might say).
    • Type my last name.
      • Example: Bruce
    • Click "Enter."
    • Type the class and section.
      • Example: ENGL09713
    • Click "Enter."
    • Type the semester and year.
      • Example: Fall 2014
    • Click "Enter."
Mission 8
  • Create an introductory paragraph for Persuasion and "Persuasion."
    • Look at the introductory paragraph on Course Book p. 368 for guidance.
    • Don't forget to indent the paragraph by pressing the "Tab" button on your keyboard!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

17 November

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 4
Mission 5
Mission 6
  • Read "A Brother's Lesson" by Christopher de Vinck in Langan pp. 365-367.
  • Answer the questions here.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

16 November

Mission 1

Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Complete the writing assignments for "Dare to Think Big" in Langan, p. 480. 
  • E-mail these to me as an attachment no later than 7:300pm today.
Mission 5

Monday, November 10, 2014

11 November

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 4
  • Spelling
Mission 5
Mission 6
Mission 7
  • Read "The Fist, the Clay, and the Rock" by Donald Holland in Langan pp. 357-359.
  • Answer the questions here.
  • Complete the writing assignments pp. 482-483.

    13 November

    Mission 1

    Mission 2
    Mission 3
    • Phonological Awareness
    Mission 4
    • Spelling
    • We will have a dictation assessment on Sunday.
    Mission 5
    Mission 6
    Mission 7
    • Read "Tickets to Nowhere" by Andy Rooney in Langan pp. 349-350.
    • Answer the questions here.
    • Complete the writing assignments, p. 482.
    Mission 8
    • Progress Listening Test 2: Outlining

      12 November

      Mission 1
      Mission 2
      Mission 3
      • Phonological Awareness
      Mission 4
      • Spelling
      Mission 5
      Mission 6
      • Read "Joe Davis" by Beth Johnson in Langan pp. 373-378.
      • Answer the questions here.
      • Complete the writing assignments, pp. 483-484.
      Mission 7
      • Progress Reading Test 2: Outlining

        Sunday, November 9, 2014

        10 November

        Mission 1
        Mission 2
        • 6+1 Writing
          • Go to Moodle to access the document "6+1 Writing November 10."
        Mission 3
        • Phonological Awareness
        Mission 4
        • Spelling
        Mission 5
        Mission 6
        Mission 7
        • Complete the "Life Over Death" writing assignments, Langan pp. 479-480.
        Mission 8

          Saturday, November 8, 2014

          9 November

          Mission 1

          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          • Phonological Awareness
          Mission 4
          • Spelling
            • Dictation
            • Lesson
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          • Complete the "Dare to Think Big" writing assignments, Langan p. 480.
            • This will be done as HOMEWORK!! Please bring in your paper to class tomorrow OR email your two paragraphs to me before 8am tomorrow!
          Mission 7

          Wednesday, November 5, 2014

          6 November

          Mission 1
          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          • Phonological Awareness
          Mission 4
          • Spelling Lesson
          • We will have a dictation assessment on Sunday.
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          Mission 7
          • Main Idea Quiz

          Tuesday, November 4, 2014

          5 November

          Mission 1
          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          • Phonological Awareness - catch up from the past two days
          Mission 4
          • Spelling Lesson - catch up from the past two days
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          Mission 7
          Mission 8
          • "Persuasion."

          Monday, November 3, 2014

          Sunday, November 2, 2014

          3 November

          Mission 1
          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          • Phonological Awareness
          Mission 4
          • Spelling Lesson
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          Mission 7
          Mission 8

          2 November

          Mission 1
          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          • Phonology Lesson
          Mission 4
          • Spelling
            • Dictation
            • Lesson
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          Mission 7
          Mission 8
          Mission 9
          • Persuasion Themes (Course Book).
            • Choose 5 themes from Shmoop.
            • Complete "Literary Analysis Essay Summary Adapted Novel - Theme" worksheet, Course Book p. 343.
              • MAKE SURE you put the date you visited Shmoop on the top of this worksheet!

          Wednesday, October 29, 2014

          30 October

          Mission 1
          • In-Class Essay 1
          You have from 8-10am to work. When you finish and have checked all your work (capitalization, punctuation, present tense [I&C], past tense [B], spelling), you may go on break.

          Session 2 will begin at 10:30am!
          Mission 2
          • Phonology Lesson
          Mission 3
          • Spelling Lesson
          • We will have a dictation assessment on Sunday!
          Mission 4
          Mission 5
          • Visit this website to read up on, review, etc. Persuasion. Pay special attention to the THEMES section.
          • Next week, we will be watching the movie. FINALLY!

          Tuesday, October 28, 2014

          29 October

          Mission 1

          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          Mission 4
          Mission 5
          • Phonology Lesson
          Mission 6
          • Spelling Lesson
          Mission 7
          • Use "Migrant Worker to College Woman" as the article for today's in-class essay practice.

          Monday, October 27, 2014

          27 October

          Mission 1
          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          • Phonology Lesson
          Mission 7
          • Spelling Lesson
          Mission 8
          • Complete a practice in-class essay.
          • Example

          Saturday, October 25, 2014

          26 October

          Mission 1

          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          Mission 4
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          Mission 7
          • Phonology Lesson
          Mission 8
          • Dictation assessment - short vowels, <p>, <t>
          Mission 9
          • Spelling Lesson
          Mission 10
          • PRESENTATIONS!
            • The order of presenters is as follows:
              1. Jenan
              2. Mariam K.
              3. Hnoof
              4. Daneyah
              5. Wasmeeyah
              6. Maryam S.
              7. Nadiah
              8. Shreifa
              9. Danah
              10. Fajer
              11. Qamashah
              12. Haya
              13. Amani
              14. Rawan
            • The five highlighted students will present for both me and Ms. Keziban, starting at 10am.

          Wednesday, October 22, 2014

          23 October

          All hard copies of essays are due to me at class today!
          Please include print outs of any drafts and the Peer Evaluation Sheets.
          All soft copies must be emailed to me no later than 11:59 tonight.
          Mission 1
          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          Mission 4
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          • Phonology Lesson
          Mission 7
          • Spelling Lesson
          • On Sunday we will have a dictation assessment to check your spelling of short vowels, <t>, and <p>.
          Mission 8
          • PRESENTATIONS!
            • Ms. Keziban will be visiting us at 10am on Sunday to double grade the following students with me:
              1. Jenan Al-Khawaja
              2. Mariam Al-Khajah
              3. Hnoof Al-Khalaf
              4. Daneyah Buabbas
              5. Wasmeeyah Al-Ajmi
            • We will practice all presentations today and I will mark you to let you know how and in what areas you need to improve.
            • You will use this weekend to practice, practice, practice.
              • Practice in front of the mirror.
              • Practice in front of a family member.
              • Practice in front of a friend.
            • The order for all other presenters is as follows:
              1. Maryam Al-Saleh
              2. Nadiah Al-Awadhi
              3. Sherifa Al-Ghaith
              4. Danah Al-Bader
              5. Fajer Al-Arbeed
              6. Qamashah Duaealah
              7. Haya Al-Yousef
              8. Amani Al-Dhafeeri
              9. Rawan Abdel Rahman
            • Everyone MUST be ready to present on SUNDAY!!

          All hard copies of essays are due to me at class today!
          Please include print outs of any drafts and the Peer Evaluation Sheets.
          All soft copies must be emailed to me no later than 11:59 tonight.

          Tuesday, October 21, 2014

          22 October

          All hard copies of essays are due to me at class tomorrow!
          Please include print outs of any drafts and the Peer Evaluation Sheets.
          All soft copies must be emailed to me no later than 11:59PM tomorrow.
          Mission 1
          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          Mission 4
          Mission 5
          • Phonological Awareness Lesson
          Mission 6
          • Spelling Lesson
          Mission 7
          • Essay & Presentation revisions
          All hard copies of essays are due to me at class tomorrow!
          Please include print outs of any drafts and the Peer Evaluation Sheets.
          All soft copies must be emailed to me no later than 11:59PM tomorrow.

          Monday, October 20, 2014

          21 October

          Mission 1

          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          Mission 4
          Mission 5
          • Phonological Awareness Lesson
          Mission 6
          • Spelling Lesson
          Mission 7
          • Turn interviews into body paragraphs.
          Mission 8
          • Turn introduction paragraphs from Essay 1 into presentation introductions.

          Sunday, October 19, 2014

          20 October

          Mission 1

          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          Mission 4
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          • Phonology Lesson
          Mission 7
          • Spelling Lesson
          Mission 8

          • What is an interview?
          Mission 9
          • Complete the Informative Presentation Introduction worksheet (handout).
          Mission 10
          • Complete the Background information for "Interviewee (handout).
          Mission 11
          Mission 12
          • Create 6 FAT questions (handout).
          HOMEWORK: Conduct your interview tonight!

          Saturday, October 18, 2014

          19 October

          Mission 1
          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          • Phonology Awareness Lesson
          Mission 4
          • Spelling Assessment - Dictation
          Mission 5
          • Spelling Lesson
          Mission 6
          Mission 7
          Mission 8

          Wednesday, October 15, 2014

          16 October

          Happy Best Day of the Year!

          Mission 1
          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          • Phonological Awareness
          Mission 4
          • Spelling Lesson
          • We will have a dictation assessment on short vowels (i, a, o, u, e) on Sunday.
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          • Complete Progress Listening Test: Mapping
          Mission 7
          • Work on essays
            • Template
              • Click on the link above.
              • Click on the download button.
              • If you do not have Microsoft Word, once you download the file you can upload it to your Google Drive.

          Tuesday, October 14, 2014

          15 October

          Mission 1
          Mission 2 
          • Complete Progress Reading Test: Mapping
          Mission 3

          Mission 4
          Mission 5
          • Phonological Awareness
          Mission 6
          • Spelling Lesson
          Mission 7
          Mission 8

          Monday, October 13, 2014

          14 October

          REMEMBER: ALL ESSAYS ARE DUE TO MS. BRUCE (bruce.p@gust.edu.kw) BY 11:59PM TONIGHT!!

          Mission 1

          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          • Phonology Lesson
          Mission 4
          • Spelling Lesson
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          Mission 7
          REMEMBER: ALL ESSAYS ARE DUE TO MS. BRUCE (bruce.p@gust.edu.kw) BY 11:59PM TONIGHT!!

          Sunday, October 12, 2014

          13 October

          Mission 1

          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          • Phonology Lesson 2
          Mission 4
          • Spelling Lesson 2
          From this point onward, those who worked on their essays in class yesterday will be completing any missions they were not able to complete yesterday.

          Mission 5
          • Danah, Daneyah, Rawan, Maryam, Haya, Amani, Jenan
            • Self-edit your essays
              • verb/verb tenses
                • all verbs should be present tense
              • subject/verb agreement
                • singular subjects need singular verbs
                • mini-lesson?
              • spelling
                • use any and all available resources to check your spelling
              • capitals
              • in-text acknowledgements
                • make sure you gave Tamar Lewin credit for writing the article and the quotes you used
              • possessives
          Mission 6
          • Danah, Daneyah, Rawan, Maryam, Haya, Amani, Jenan
            • Exchange your essays with each other and peer check.
            • Checker #1
              Gives essay to
              Checker #1
              Checker #2
              • Look at each other's essays and check for the above mistakes.
              • Read each other's essays for content.
              • Use the Peer Evaluation Sheet  to make sure each part of the essay the elements it needs.
                • YOUR Peer Evaluation Sheet should have YOUR name and ID at the top.
                • YOUR Peer Evaluation Sheet should stay with YOUR essay.
              • Evaluate 
                • Can you understand your classmate's writing?
                • Does the reaction story have a beginning, middle, and ending?
                • Does the reaction story have enough details?
            • Complete the Peer Evaluation Sheet to give feedback to your classmate.
              • READER: Put YOUR name on the top of the Peer Evaluation Sheet. 
              • In "Comments," give at least TWO strengths and at least ONE weakness.
                • Remember to be respectful.
                • Give feedback that will help your classmate to improve her writing.
              • Return the essay and the Peer Evaluation Sheet to your classmate.
            1. Everyone else
            Mission 7
            • Danah, Daneyah, Rawan, Maryam, Haya, Amani, Jenan
              • Exchange your essays with each other and peer check.
              • Checker #2
                Gives essay to
                Checker #1
                Checker #2

                • Look at each other's essays and check for the above mistakes.
                • Read each other's essays for content.
                • Use the Peer Evaluation Sheet  to make sure each part of the essay the elements it needs.
                  • YOUR Peer Evaluation Sheet should have YOUR name and ID at the top.
                  • YOUR Peer Evaluation Sheet should stay with YOUR essay.
                • Evaluate 
                  • Can you understand your classmate's writing?
                  • Does the reaction story have a beginning, middle, and ending?
                  • Does the reaction story have enough details?
              • Complete the Peer Evaluation Sheet to give feedback to your classmate.
                • READER: Put YOUR name on the top of the Peer Evaluation Sheet. 
                • In "Comments," give at least TWO strengths and at least ONE weakness.
                  • Remember to be respectful.
                  • Give feedback that will help your classmate to improve her writing.
                • Return the essay and the Peer Evaluation Sheet to your classmate.
            • Everyone else
              • Read Langan "Preparing Maps," pp. 150-152.
              • Complete Practice 3 in Langan, pp. 1520154.
              • Read Langan p. 154.
            Mission 8
            • All students
              • Lesson on Statement of Relevance
                • Let me know when you're ready for this!
                • CB pp. 163-164.
              • Lesson on Conclusion
                • CB pp. 167-175
            Mission 9
            • Danah, Daneyah, Rawan, Maryam, Haya, Amani, Jenan
              • Now that you have self-edited and received Peer Evaluation Sheets from two classmates
                • Read through the comments.
                • Ask your classmate for clarification if you do not understand something.
              • Rewrite
                • If using MS Word, save this with your number, then essay number, then draft number.
                  • Example
                    • 12345Essay1Draft3
                • If using Google Docs, make sure your essay is named with your number and the essay number
                  • Example
                    • 12345Essay1
                  • Corrections/changes are logged automatically and I can see what you have done and when (bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha).
              • Send this new draft to me no later than 11:59PM on Tuesday night (14 October).
            • Everyone else
              • Read Langan "The Marvel Kretmann Story," pp. 335-341.
              • Create a map of this article.
              • Answer the questions on "The Marvel Kretzmann Story" here.
            Mission 10