Saturday, October 11, 2014

12 October

Welcome back from Eid!

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Phonology Lesson 1
Mission 4
  • Spelling Lesson 1
Mission 5

  • Wasmeeyah, Fajer, Nadiah, Mariam
    • Self-edit your essays
      • verb/verb tenses
        • all verbs should be present tense
      • subject/verb agreement
        • singular subjects need singular verbs
        • mini-lesson?
      • spelling
        • use any and all available resources to check your spelling
      • capitals
      • in-text acknowledgements
        • make sure you gave Tamar Lewin credit for writing the article and the quotes you used
      • possessives
Mission 6
  • Wasmeeyah, Fajer, Nadiah, Mariam
    • Exchange your essays with each other (Wasmeeyah to Fajer, Fajer to Nadiah, Nadiah to Mariam, Mariam to Wasmeeyah) and peer check.
      • Look at each other's essays and check for the above mistakes.
      • Read each other's essays for content.
        • Use the Essay Evaluation Sheet (CB p. 122) to make sure each part of the essay the elements it needs.
        • Evaluate 
          • Can you understand your classmate's writing?
          • Does the reaction story have a beginning, middle, and ending?
          • Does the reaction story have enough details?
      • Complete the Essay Evaluation Sheet to give feedback to your classmate.
        • Put YOUR name on the top right of the Essay Evaluation Sheet (above where it says "Reader") and circle "1."
        • In "Comments," give at least TWO strengths and at least ONE weakness.
          • Remember to be respectful.
          • Give feedback that will help your classmate to improve her writing.
        • Return the essay and the Essay Evaluation Sheet to your classmate.
  • Everyone else
Mission 7
  • Wasmeeyah, Fajer, Nadiah, Mariam
    • Exchange your essays with each other (Wasmeeyah to Nadiah, Fajer to Mariam, Nadiah to Wasmeeyah, Mariam to Fajer) and peer check.
      • Look at each other's essays and check for the above mistakes.
      • Read each other's essays for content.
        • Use the Essay Evaluation Sheet (CB p. 122) to make sure each part of the essay the elements it needs.
        • Evaluate 
          • Can you understand your classmate's writing?
          • Does the reaction story have a beginning, middle, and ending?
          • Does the reaction story have enough details?
      • Complete the Essay Evaluation Sheet to give feedback to your classmate.
        • Put YOUR name on the top right of the Essay Evaluation Sheet (above where it says "Reader") and circle "1."
        • In "Comments," give at least TWO strengths and at least ONE weakness.
          • Remember to be respectful.
          • Give feedback that will help your classmate to improve her writing.
        • Return the essay and the Essay Evaluation Sheet to your classmate.
  • Everyone else
    • Read Langan "Preparing Maps," pp. 150-152.
    • Complete Practice 3 in Langan, pp. 1520154.
    • Read Langan p. 154.
Mission 8
  • Wasmeeyah, Fajer, Nadiah, Mariam
    • Lesson on Statement of Relevance
      • Let me know when you're ready for this!
      • CB pp. 163-164.
    • Lesson on Conclusion
      • CB pp. 167-175
  • Everyone else
    • Read Langan "The Marvel Kretmann Story," pp. 335-341.
    • Create a map of this article.
Mission 9
  • Wasmeeyah, Fajer, Nadiah, Mariam
    • Now that you have self-edited and received Essay Evaluation Sheets from two classmates
      • Read through the comments.
      • Ask your classmate for clarification if you do not understand something.
    • Rewrite
      • If using MS Word, save this with your number, then essay number, then draft number.
        • Example
          • 12345Essay1Draft3
      • If using Google Docs, make sure your essay is named with your number and the essay number
        • Example
          • 12345Essay1
        • Corrections/changes are logged automatically and I can see what you have done and when (bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha).
    • Send this new draft to me no later than 11:59PM on Tuesday night (14 October).
  • Everyone else
    • Answer the questions on "The Marvel Kretzmann Story" here.

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