Wednesday, October 29, 2014

30 October

Mission 1
  • In-Class Essay 1
You have from 8-10am to work. When you finish and have checked all your work (capitalization, punctuation, present tense [I&C], past tense [B], spelling), you may go on break.

Session 2 will begin at 10:30am!
Mission 2
  • Phonology Lesson
Mission 3
  • Spelling Lesson
  • We will have a dictation assessment on Sunday!
Mission 4
Mission 5
  • Visit this website to read up on, review, etc. Persuasion. Pay special attention to the THEMES section.
  • Next week, we will be watching the movie. FINALLY!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

29 October

Mission 1

Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4
Mission 5
  • Phonology Lesson
Mission 6
  • Spelling Lesson
Mission 7
  • Use "Migrant Worker to College Woman" as the article for today's in-class essay practice.

Monday, October 27, 2014

27 October

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 5
Mission 6
  • Phonology Lesson
Mission 7
  • Spelling Lesson
Mission 8
  • Complete a practice in-class essay.
  • Example

Saturday, October 25, 2014

26 October

Mission 1

Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4
Mission 5
Mission 6
Mission 7
  • Phonology Lesson
Mission 8
  • Dictation assessment - short vowels, <p>, <t>
Mission 9
  • Spelling Lesson
Mission 10
    • The order of presenters is as follows:
      1. Jenan
      2. Mariam K.
      3. Hnoof
      4. Daneyah
      5. Wasmeeyah
      6. Maryam S.
      7. Nadiah
      8. Shreifa
      9. Danah
      10. Fajer
      11. Qamashah
      12. Haya
      13. Amani
      14. Rawan
    • The five highlighted students will present for both me and Ms. Keziban, starting at 10am.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

23 October

All hard copies of essays are due to me at class today!
Please include print outs of any drafts and the Peer Evaluation Sheets.
All soft copies must be emailed to me no later than 11:59 tonight.
Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4
Mission 5
Mission 6
  • Phonology Lesson
Mission 7
  • Spelling Lesson
  • On Sunday we will have a dictation assessment to check your spelling of short vowels, <t>, and <p>.
Mission 8
    • Ms. Keziban will be visiting us at 10am on Sunday to double grade the following students with me:
      1. Jenan Al-Khawaja
      2. Mariam Al-Khajah
      3. Hnoof Al-Khalaf
      4. Daneyah Buabbas
      5. Wasmeeyah Al-Ajmi
    • We will practice all presentations today and I will mark you to let you know how and in what areas you need to improve.
    • You will use this weekend to practice, practice, practice.
      • Practice in front of the mirror.
      • Practice in front of a family member.
      • Practice in front of a friend.
    • The order for all other presenters is as follows:
      1. Maryam Al-Saleh
      2. Nadiah Al-Awadhi
      3. Sherifa Al-Ghaith
      4. Danah Al-Bader
      5. Fajer Al-Arbeed
      6. Qamashah Duaealah
      7. Haya Al-Yousef
      8. Amani Al-Dhafeeri
      9. Rawan Abdel Rahman
    • Everyone MUST be ready to present on SUNDAY!!

All hard copies of essays are due to me at class today!
Please include print outs of any drafts and the Peer Evaluation Sheets.
All soft copies must be emailed to me no later than 11:59 tonight.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

22 October

All hard copies of essays are due to me at class tomorrow!
Please include print outs of any drafts and the Peer Evaluation Sheets.
All soft copies must be emailed to me no later than 11:59PM tomorrow.
Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4
Mission 5
  • Phonological Awareness Lesson
Mission 6
  • Spelling Lesson
Mission 7
  • Essay & Presentation revisions
All hard copies of essays are due to me at class tomorrow!
Please include print outs of any drafts and the Peer Evaluation Sheets.
All soft copies must be emailed to me no later than 11:59PM tomorrow.

Monday, October 20, 2014

21 October

Mission 1

Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4
Mission 5
  • Phonological Awareness Lesson
Mission 6
  • Spelling Lesson
Mission 7
  • Turn interviews into body paragraphs.
Mission 8
  • Turn introduction paragraphs from Essay 1 into presentation introductions.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

20 October

Mission 1

Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4
Mission 5
Mission 6
  • Phonology Lesson
Mission 7
  • Spelling Lesson
Mission 8

  • What is an interview?
Mission 9
  • Complete the Informative Presentation Introduction worksheet (handout).
Mission 10
  • Complete the Background information for "Interviewee (handout).
Mission 11
Mission 12
  • Create 6 FAT questions (handout).
HOMEWORK: Conduct your interview tonight!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

19 October

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Phonology Awareness Lesson
Mission 4
  • Spelling Assessment - Dictation
Mission 5
  • Spelling Lesson
Mission 6
Mission 7
Mission 8

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

16 October

Happy Best Day of the Year!

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 4
  • Spelling Lesson
  • We will have a dictation assessment on short vowels (i, a, o, u, e) on Sunday.
Mission 5
Mission 6
  • Complete Progress Listening Test: Mapping
Mission 7
  • Work on essays
    • Template
      • Click on the link above.
      • Click on the download button.
      • If you do not have Microsoft Word, once you download the file you can upload it to your Google Drive.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

15 October

Mission 1
Mission 2 
  • Complete Progress Reading Test: Mapping
Mission 3

Mission 4
Mission 5
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 6
  • Spelling Lesson
Mission 7
Mission 8

Monday, October 13, 2014

14 October


Mission 1

Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Phonology Lesson
Mission 4
  • Spelling Lesson
Mission 5
Mission 6
Mission 7

Sunday, October 12, 2014

13 October

Mission 1

Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Phonology Lesson 2
Mission 4
  • Spelling Lesson 2
From this point onward, those who worked on their essays in class yesterday will be completing any missions they were not able to complete yesterday.

Mission 5
  • Danah, Daneyah, Rawan, Maryam, Haya, Amani, Jenan
    • Self-edit your essays
      • verb/verb tenses
        • all verbs should be present tense
      • subject/verb agreement
        • singular subjects need singular verbs
        • mini-lesson?
      • spelling
        • use any and all available resources to check your spelling
      • capitals
      • in-text acknowledgements
        • make sure you gave Tamar Lewin credit for writing the article and the quotes you used
      • possessives
Mission 6
  • Danah, Daneyah, Rawan, Maryam, Haya, Amani, Jenan
    • Exchange your essays with each other and peer check.
    • Checker #1
      Gives essay to
      Checker #1
      Checker #2
      • Look at each other's essays and check for the above mistakes.
      • Read each other's essays for content.
      • Use the Peer Evaluation Sheet  to make sure each part of the essay the elements it needs.
        • YOUR Peer Evaluation Sheet should have YOUR name and ID at the top.
        • YOUR Peer Evaluation Sheet should stay with YOUR essay.
      • Evaluate 
        • Can you understand your classmate's writing?
        • Does the reaction story have a beginning, middle, and ending?
        • Does the reaction story have enough details?
    • Complete the Peer Evaluation Sheet to give feedback to your classmate.
      • READER: Put YOUR name on the top of the Peer Evaluation Sheet. 
      • In "Comments," give at least TWO strengths and at least ONE weakness.
        • Remember to be respectful.
        • Give feedback that will help your classmate to improve her writing.
      • Return the essay and the Peer Evaluation Sheet to your classmate.
    1. Everyone else
    Mission 7
    • Danah, Daneyah, Rawan, Maryam, Haya, Amani, Jenan
      • Exchange your essays with each other and peer check.
      • Checker #2
        Gives essay to
        Checker #1
        Checker #2

        • Look at each other's essays and check for the above mistakes.
        • Read each other's essays for content.
        • Use the Peer Evaluation Sheet  to make sure each part of the essay the elements it needs.
          • YOUR Peer Evaluation Sheet should have YOUR name and ID at the top.
          • YOUR Peer Evaluation Sheet should stay with YOUR essay.
        • Evaluate 
          • Can you understand your classmate's writing?
          • Does the reaction story have a beginning, middle, and ending?
          • Does the reaction story have enough details?
      • Complete the Peer Evaluation Sheet to give feedback to your classmate.
        • READER: Put YOUR name on the top of the Peer Evaluation Sheet. 
        • In "Comments," give at least TWO strengths and at least ONE weakness.
          • Remember to be respectful.
          • Give feedback that will help your classmate to improve her writing.
        • Return the essay and the Peer Evaluation Sheet to your classmate.
    • Everyone else
      • Read Langan "Preparing Maps," pp. 150-152.
      • Complete Practice 3 in Langan, pp. 1520154.
      • Read Langan p. 154.
    Mission 8
    • All students
      • Lesson on Statement of Relevance
        • Let me know when you're ready for this!
        • CB pp. 163-164.
      • Lesson on Conclusion
        • CB pp. 167-175
    Mission 9
    • Danah, Daneyah, Rawan, Maryam, Haya, Amani, Jenan
      • Now that you have self-edited and received Peer Evaluation Sheets from two classmates
        • Read through the comments.
        • Ask your classmate for clarification if you do not understand something.
      • Rewrite
        • If using MS Word, save this with your number, then essay number, then draft number.
          • Example
            • 12345Essay1Draft3
        • If using Google Docs, make sure your essay is named with your number and the essay number
          • Example
            • 12345Essay1
          • Corrections/changes are logged automatically and I can see what you have done and when (bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha).
      • Send this new draft to me no later than 11:59PM on Tuesday night (14 October).
    • Everyone else
      • Read Langan "The Marvel Kretmann Story," pp. 335-341.
      • Create a map of this article.
      • Answer the questions on "The Marvel Kretzmann Story" here.
    Mission 10

    Saturday, October 11, 2014

    12 October

    Welcome back from Eid!

    Mission 1
    Mission 2
    Mission 3
    • Phonology Lesson 1
    Mission 4
    • Spelling Lesson 1
    Mission 5

    • Wasmeeyah, Fajer, Nadiah, Mariam
      • Self-edit your essays
        • verb/verb tenses
          • all verbs should be present tense
        • subject/verb agreement
          • singular subjects need singular verbs
          • mini-lesson?
        • spelling
          • use any and all available resources to check your spelling
        • capitals
        • in-text acknowledgements
          • make sure you gave Tamar Lewin credit for writing the article and the quotes you used
        • possessives
    Mission 6
    • Wasmeeyah, Fajer, Nadiah, Mariam
      • Exchange your essays with each other (Wasmeeyah to Fajer, Fajer to Nadiah, Nadiah to Mariam, Mariam to Wasmeeyah) and peer check.
        • Look at each other's essays and check for the above mistakes.
        • Read each other's essays for content.
          • Use the Essay Evaluation Sheet (CB p. 122) to make sure each part of the essay the elements it needs.
          • Evaluate 
            • Can you understand your classmate's writing?
            • Does the reaction story have a beginning, middle, and ending?
            • Does the reaction story have enough details?
        • Complete the Essay Evaluation Sheet to give feedback to your classmate.
          • Put YOUR name on the top right of the Essay Evaluation Sheet (above where it says "Reader") and circle "1."
          • In "Comments," give at least TWO strengths and at least ONE weakness.
            • Remember to be respectful.
            • Give feedback that will help your classmate to improve her writing.
          • Return the essay and the Essay Evaluation Sheet to your classmate.
    • Everyone else
    Mission 7
    • Wasmeeyah, Fajer, Nadiah, Mariam
      • Exchange your essays with each other (Wasmeeyah to Nadiah, Fajer to Mariam, Nadiah to Wasmeeyah, Mariam to Fajer) and peer check.
        • Look at each other's essays and check for the above mistakes.
        • Read each other's essays for content.
          • Use the Essay Evaluation Sheet (CB p. 122) to make sure each part of the essay the elements it needs.
          • Evaluate 
            • Can you understand your classmate's writing?
            • Does the reaction story have a beginning, middle, and ending?
            • Does the reaction story have enough details?
        • Complete the Essay Evaluation Sheet to give feedback to your classmate.
          • Put YOUR name on the top right of the Essay Evaluation Sheet (above where it says "Reader") and circle "1."
          • In "Comments," give at least TWO strengths and at least ONE weakness.
            • Remember to be respectful.
            • Give feedback that will help your classmate to improve her writing.
          • Return the essay and the Essay Evaluation Sheet to your classmate.
    • Everyone else
      • Read Langan "Preparing Maps," pp. 150-152.
      • Complete Practice 3 in Langan, pp. 1520154.
      • Read Langan p. 154.
    Mission 8
    • Wasmeeyah, Fajer, Nadiah, Mariam
      • Lesson on Statement of Relevance
        • Let me know when you're ready for this!
        • CB pp. 163-164.
      • Lesson on Conclusion
        • CB pp. 167-175
    • Everyone else
      • Read Langan "The Marvel Kretmann Story," pp. 335-341.
      • Create a map of this article.
    Mission 9
    • Wasmeeyah, Fajer, Nadiah, Mariam
      • Now that you have self-edited and received Essay Evaluation Sheets from two classmates
        • Read through the comments.
        • Ask your classmate for clarification if you do not understand something.
      • Rewrite
        • If using MS Word, save this with your number, then essay number, then draft number.
          • Example
            • 12345Essay1Draft3
        • If using Google Docs, make sure your essay is named with your number and the essay number
          • Example
            • 12345Essay1
          • Corrections/changes are logged automatically and I can see what you have done and when (bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha).
      • Send this new draft to me no later than 11:59PM on Tuesday night (14 October).
    • Everyone else
      • Answer the questions on "The Marvel Kretzmann Story" here.

    Wednesday, October 1, 2014

    2 October

    Thank you for coming today! I know you're excited about the Eid break, but we have several missions to accomplish first:

    Mission 1
    Mission 2
    Mission 3
    • Complete the Modes of Discourse Listening Quiz
    Mission 4
    • Complete the Modes of Discourse Reading Quiz
    Mission 5
    • Focus on Essay 1
      • The first sentence:
        • Course Book p. 151
        • Complete First Sentence Worksheet, p. 152.
      • The thesis
        • Course Book p. 153
        • Complete Thesis Statement Worksheet, p. 154
      • The topic sentence
        • Course Book p. 157
        • Complete Reaction Topic Sentence Worksheet, p. 158
    Mission 6
    • Over the break
      1. Use one of the First Sentences (p. 152) to start your Introduction paragraph.
      2. Rewrite your Introduction paragraph.
      3. Use one of the Thesis Statements (p. 154) to end your Introduction paragraph.
      4. Use on of the Topic Sentences (p. 158) to start your Body paragraph.
      5. Use the story you wrote (about your brother, your sister, yourself) about media use being bad to write your Body paragraph.
    • All writing needs to use APA formatting (Course Book pp. 179-190).
    • All writing MUST be emailed to be NO LATER THAN 11:59PM on 10 October.
      • You, certainly, may send it earlier.
    Yes, you have work over the holiday. Welcome to college.
    Eid Mubarak, and safe travels for anyone leaving Kuwait!