Sunday, November 30, 2014

1 December

Memory awakens hope.
~Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Seek That Which is Above, 1986

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 4
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 5
  • Spelling
Mission 6

Mission 7
Mission 8

Saturday, November 29, 2014

30 November

Mission 1

Mission 2
  • Read "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank R. Stockton, Langan pp. 395-397.
  • Answer the Vocabulary Questions, Langan pp. 398-399 in your book.
  • Answer the Reading Comprehension Questions, Langan pp. 400-402 in your book.
  • Complete the Summary, Langan pp. 402-403, Langan pp. 402-403 in your book.
  • Complete the writing tasks here.
Mission 3
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 4
  • Spelling
    • Dictation
    • Lesson

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

27 November

Happy Thanksgiving!
Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 4
  • Spelling Lesson
Mission 5
Mission 6
Mission 7
  • Practice Presentations
Mission 8
  • Revise your essay.
  • Make sure: 
    • ALL words are spelled correctly.
    • ONLY words that need to be capitalized are capitalized.
    • ALL verbs are in present tense.
    • ALL subjects and verbs agree with each other.
    • Make sure your WHOLE paper, including your header and heading (yes, you need these), is in Times New Roman 12pt font.
      • See our post from 18 November if you don't know how to make a header or heading and/or if you don't know how to change your font.
  • ALL ESSAYS will be graded based on what is completed by 11:59 p.m. today!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

26 November

Mission 1

Mission 2

Mission 3

  • Phonological Awareness

Mission 4

  • Spelling

Mission 5

Mission 6
Mission 7
  • Make a reference page for your essay.
    • This must include the book, the movie, the page for the theme you chose, and the imdb page for the cast and crew.
    • Here's how.

Monday, November 24, 2014

25 November

Mission 1

Mission 2

Mission 3

  • Phonological Awareness (yesterday & today)

Mission 4

  • Spelling Lesson (yesterday & today)

Mission 5

Mission 6

Mission 7
Mission 8
  • Revise your essay and/or your presentation.
  • Tomorrow, we will have practice presentations and we will create a reference page for our essays!
  • Presentations will be on Sunday at 8am!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

24 November

Mission 1
Mission 2
  • 6+1 Writing
    • Go to Moodle.
    • Click on "Courses."
    • Click on "ENGL09713."
    • Go down to the last assignment in "Classwork," which says 6+1 Writing November 24.
    • Complete the graphic organizer diagram.
      • Organization: Use a graphic organizer to group similar details and to plan the order of your sentences.
        Think of a problem in your school or community. How would you solve it? Use the problem-and-solution diagram here to organize your ideas. Send this completed diagram to as an attachment.
Mission 3
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 4
  • Spelling Lesson
Mission 5
Mission 6
Mission 7
Mission 8
  • Use your answers from the form yesterday (in your gmail) and this template to compose your presentation.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

23 November

Mission 1

Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 4
  • Spelling
    • Dictation
    • Lesson
Mission 5
  • Select a review of "Persuasion" from
    • Read the review.
    • Use this form to complete this mission.
    • Identify any unknown words and look them up.
    • Paraphrase the review - what is it saying?
  • Do you agree with the reviewer's opinion, or do you disagree?
  • Give three reasons why you agree or disagree.
Mission 5

Mission 6
  • Read "Rosa: A Success Story" by Edward Patrick in Langan pp. 385-388
  • Answer the questions here.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

20 November

Mission 1

Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4
Mission 5
  • Phonological Awareness - Counting Syllables
Mission 6
  • Spelling Lesson - Doubling Rule
Mission 7
  • Peer Evaluations
    • Review checklist for body paragraph
    • Access assigned classmates' essays (gmail)
    • Read assigned classmates' body paragraph
    • Score assigned classmates' body paragraph using the checklist. 
      • Explain why she got that score!
Mission 8
  • Review checklist for conclusion (Course Book p. 324)
    • What theme did you pick?
    • Do you have a story from your life or your observations that connects to this theme?
      • Write the story using the 5 Ws and the 5 senses.
      • Make sure you organize the story with a beginning, middle, and ending.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

19 November

Tomorrow after break, 
Dr. Ilene will be observing me teaching you. PLEASE do not use mobile phones, 
speak in Arabic, 
or visit web pages (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) 
that are not part of the class during the 
30-45 minutes that she will be here.
Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Phonological Awareness catch up
Mission 4
  • Spelling catch up
Mission 5
  • Review of the body paragraph check list (Course Book p. 324).
Mission 6
  • Review Comparison/Contrast paragraphs explanation (CB pp. 357-359
Mission 7 
Mission 6
  • Complete the Literary Analysis Common Elements: Comparison/Contrast Paragraph worksheet (CB pp. 354-355).
Mission 7
  • Complete the Literary Analysis Common Elements: Comparison/Contrast Paragraph worksheet (CB p. 356).

Monday, November 17, 2014

18 November

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Phonological Awareness (yesterday & today)
Mission 4
  • Spelling Lesson (yesterday & today)
Mission 5
  • Create a gmail account.
    • If you don't already have one, go here and follow the steps to make one.
      • Write it down and put it in your wallet.
      • Save it into the "notes" section on your phone.
Mission 6
  • Go to Google Drive.
    • Click "New."
      • Select "Folder"
      • Name this folder "ENGL09713."
    • Click on your ENGL09713 folder.
      • Click "New."
      • Select "Google Docs."
    • When the new doc pops up, click on "Untitled Document."
      • Name this doc "IDNumberENGL09713Essay2."
        • Example: 12345ENGL09713Essay2
      • Click "OK."
    • Click the blue "Share" button on the top right of the page.
      • Type my email - - and make sure "Can edit" is showing.
      • Click "Done."
Mission 7
  • Create your Header and Heading for your essay.
    • Click "Insert."
      • Click "Heading."
    • Right align by clicking the right align button.
    • Change your font to "Times New Roman" and 12
    • Type your student ID number. No zeroes. No name.
      • Example: 12345
    • Press the space bar.
    • Insert a page number.
      • Click "Insert."
      • Click "Page Number."
      • Click "Top of Page."
    • Click once under the grey line.
      • The grey line should disappear.
    • Change your font to "Times New Roman" and 12
      • Yes, you have to do this a second time.
    • Change your spacing to "Double."

    • Make sure you have left alignment.
    • Type your student ID number. No zeroes. No name.
      • Example: 12345
    • Click "Enter" or "Return" or "New Line" (or whatever else your keyboard might say).
    • Type my last name.
      • Example: Bruce
    • Click "Enter."
    • Type the class and section.
      • Example: ENGL09713
    • Click "Enter."
    • Type the semester and year.
      • Example: Fall 2014
    • Click "Enter."
Mission 8
  • Create an introductory paragraph for Persuasion and "Persuasion."
    • Look at the introductory paragraph on Course Book p. 368 for guidance.
    • Don't forget to indent the paragraph by pressing the "Tab" button on your keyboard!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

17 November

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 4
Mission 5
Mission 6
  • Read "A Brother's Lesson" by Christopher de Vinck in Langan pp. 365-367.
  • Answer the questions here.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

16 November

Mission 1

Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Complete the writing assignments for "Dare to Think Big" in Langan, p. 480. 
  • E-mail these to me as an attachment no later than 7:300pm today.
Mission 5

Monday, November 10, 2014

11 November

Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
  • Phonological Awareness
Mission 4
  • Spelling
Mission 5
Mission 6
Mission 7
  • Read "The Fist, the Clay, and the Rock" by Donald Holland in Langan pp. 357-359.
  • Answer the questions here.
  • Complete the writing assignments pp. 482-483.

    13 November

    Mission 1

    Mission 2
    Mission 3
    • Phonological Awareness
    Mission 4
    • Spelling
    • We will have a dictation assessment on Sunday.
    Mission 5
    Mission 6
    Mission 7
    • Read "Tickets to Nowhere" by Andy Rooney in Langan pp. 349-350.
    • Answer the questions here.
    • Complete the writing assignments, p. 482.
    Mission 8
    • Progress Listening Test 2: Outlining

      12 November

      Mission 1
      Mission 2
      Mission 3
      • Phonological Awareness
      Mission 4
      • Spelling
      Mission 5
      Mission 6
      • Read "Joe Davis" by Beth Johnson in Langan pp. 373-378.
      • Answer the questions here.
      • Complete the writing assignments, pp. 483-484.
      Mission 7
      • Progress Reading Test 2: Outlining

        Sunday, November 9, 2014

        10 November

        Mission 1
        Mission 2
        • 6+1 Writing
          • Go to Moodle to access the document "6+1 Writing November 10."
        Mission 3
        • Phonological Awareness
        Mission 4
        • Spelling
        Mission 5
        Mission 6
        Mission 7
        • Complete the "Life Over Death" writing assignments, Langan pp. 479-480.
        Mission 8

          Saturday, November 8, 2014

          9 November

          Mission 1

          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          • Phonological Awareness
          Mission 4
          • Spelling
            • Dictation
            • Lesson
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          • Complete the "Dare to Think Big" writing assignments, Langan p. 480.
            • This will be done as HOMEWORK!! Please bring in your paper to class tomorrow OR email your two paragraphs to me before 8am tomorrow!
          Mission 7

          Wednesday, November 5, 2014

          6 November

          Mission 1
          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          • Phonological Awareness
          Mission 4
          • Spelling Lesson
          • We will have a dictation assessment on Sunday.
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          Mission 7
          • Main Idea Quiz

          Tuesday, November 4, 2014

          5 November

          Mission 1
          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          • Phonological Awareness - catch up from the past two days
          Mission 4
          • Spelling Lesson - catch up from the past two days
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          Mission 7
          Mission 8
          • "Persuasion."

          Monday, November 3, 2014

          Sunday, November 2, 2014

          3 November

          Mission 1
          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          • Phonological Awareness
          Mission 4
          • Spelling Lesson
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          Mission 7
          Mission 8

          2 November

          Mission 1
          Mission 2
          Mission 3
          • Phonology Lesson
          Mission 4
          • Spelling
            • Dictation
            • Lesson
          Mission 5
          Mission 6
          Mission 7
          Mission 8
          Mission 9
          • Persuasion Themes (Course Book).
            • Choose 5 themes from Shmoop.
            • Complete "Literary Analysis Essay Summary Adapted Novel - Theme" worksheet, Course Book p. 343.
              • MAKE SURE you put the date you visited Shmoop on the top of this worksheet!