Hello! Welcome to EFU 097!
LAB WILL MEET IN OUR CLASSROOM, but there will be no lab today.
Our novel this term is Persuasion by Jane Austen.
Other books you need: Groundwork for College Reading by John Langan, Clear Thinking and Writing by John Langan, Academic Listening Encounters by Yoneko Kanaoka, 097C Coursebook.
Mission 1 - HOMEWORK
Mission 2
- Complete the student contract. There are TWO copies. One was given to you just now. The other can be found on Moodle.
- Complete the "Foundations Program Contract" on Moodle.
- Getting to Moodle
- Go to the GUST portal.
- Click on "My Courses."
- Click on ENGL097.
Mission 3
- Turn to page 9 in your CB. Complete the information at the top of the page:
- Course Number and Section: ENGL097
- Instructor: Ms. Bruce
- Office: W1-264
- Telephone: 7460
- Email: bruce.p@gust.edu.kw
- Office Hours: TBD
Mission 4
- Read the information on pages 9-10 in the CB. CIRCLE any word(s) you do not understand.
Mission 5 - HOMEWORK - complete form on Electronic Signature Slide
- Turn to page 12 in the CB. On the spaces provided, record the names and mobile numbers of the two people sitting beside you. These will be the people you can contact for information on any assignments and homework for ENGL 097.
Mission 7
Mission 8
Mission 9 - HOMEWORK: Yes, I know we did them in class, but please put answers for Practice 1 and 2 online.
- Read Langan (red book) pp. 109-112.
- Complete Practice 1, Practice 2.
- NOTE: If you are asked what the main idea sentence is, and then why you think that is the main idea sentence, DO NOT USE the phrase "the whole paragraph is about ____." You WILL be marked wrong. Instead, say, "the rest of the paragraph is about ____."